
Archive for September 14, 2007

Blessed To Be a Blessing

September 14, 2007 1 comment

One of my core beliefs is that Christians are blessed to be a blessing. This comes from Genesis 12. Sadly I don’t always live up to this ideal, but God has given me a wonderful wife with a huge heart who is constantly showing me how to love others more than myself.

God has really been gracious to our family this month as we have tried to bless others despite our own tight financial situation. One example of this was when Stephanie gave my sister $100 as a thank you for babysitting and so that my sister could buy a new cell phone. A couple weeks later someone randomly gave us $100 so that we could take the kids and have a fun family day.

Another example happened on Monday. I was given the opportunity to buy a TV from a friend for a really good deal. We don’t need another TV but I knew that my parents did. With all the money they spent raising my siblings and I things like new TV’s always got pushed to the back burner. So I called my brother and we decided we’d buy the TV as a surprise gift for our parents. We don’t have much disposable income but I felt God prompt me to contribute a certain amount towards the purchase. Amazingly, the next day I was offered the exact same amount to teach two Sunday school sessions at the church where a friend of mine pastors.

God is amazing! His plans are wonderful and his resources are endless. He will always provide as much as we need and sometimes even more when we are willing to be a blessing in others lives.

Random Story #49

September 14, 2007 Leave a comment

Yesterday was an eventful day. Just before I left work there was a call asking for the assistance. Arriving on the scene I encountered two large areas of blood splattered on the floor. Some further investigation revealed a razor blade sitting on the shelf near the largest blood pool and a empty package of earphones that had been stolen.

Apparently the thief brought the blade in, used it to cut through some plastic packaging, and somehow sliced his/her wrist in the process. A long trail of blood was also found elsewhere. My guess is that the thief was holding the cut closed and then released the pressure thinking the bleeding had stopped. It was a disgusting way to end the workday. Just the sight of it all made my stomach upset. I hope that the person is all right though.

Categories: Work