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rant about bad customer service

Yesterday I had two horrible customer service moments.

Around 11:30 am my family and some close friends headed 15 minutes south to the Cabela’s Superstore. The store is filled with really neat stuffed animal displays, including an elephant, lions, bears, wolves, cape buffalo, and a rhino. It was also filled with people. Way too many people. People who would stop where and whenever they wanted with absolutely no regard for other shoppers and viewers. Plus, the isles of clothing and bullets and other stuff were too skinny for shopping carts to go through.

Made me wonder: Why would you put out racks that can’t be walked through by shoppers with carts? Why would you create these huge displays and have no plan for how people should walk through and observe them? Dumb moves.

After Cabela’s we stopped at McDonald’s so they kids could run off some energy in the playland. They had one register going for a line of about 10 people. Nice. Then I heard a manager send someone to break while the sutomers stood around waiting and pondering how our lunch would probably take a year or two off the end of our lives. Crazy.

Makes me wonder about church. Do we make people wait around? Do we crowd them in? Do we allow physical obstacles to close off people’s spirits to their environment?

Customer service (creating an open and inviting physical environment) is not just a business concern. It just might be an eternity concern for people.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Lance
    November 28, 2005 at 2:00 am

    Usually what holds people back at church is the people themselves. Even with greetors it is intimidating. It would be nice if quests would have a friend to sit with. For example if a guest came to church, people would volunteer to sit with them to give then the low down on every one. To let them know all the people ARE human, and it isn’t like grade eight dance when everyone else had the cool clothes on. People just want to know everyone else is normal too.

    Just an idea.

  2. bob
    November 28, 2005 at 5:11 am

    Completely true….how we take care of our guests matters…after a long day of traveling and being road weary…I was less than pleased about our dining experiences on the road. A couple of places are now dead to me..

    Mark Waltz from Granger Community Church has customer service down when it comes to church getting it right.

  3. Audra Charlebois
    November 29, 2005 at 3:51 am

    You and JP should hook up and rant about customer service for a couple hours sometime. đŸ™‚
    No, but seriously…not even just in church – do we make our FAMILY wait around? Our spouses, our siblings, our children? Our Lord???

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