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Christianity Today Article Featuring Mark Driscoll

Christianity Today has a new article online about Mark Driscoll. It is a good article highlighting some of the work God is doing and Mars Hill, and addressing some of the controversy that surrounds Driscoll. Some highlights:

On how he became Calvinist…

Preaching through Exodus early in his career, Driscoll was struck by God’s sovereignty over Pharaoh. He saw how God acted to deliver his people. The Book of Romans eliminated any remaining doubt about Reformed theology, which he summarizes this way: “People suck, and God saves us from ourselves.”

On women…

“If I could change one part of the Bible,” Driscoll told The Seattle Times about Paul’s writings on gender roles, “that would be the part, just so I could be left alone.”

On fundamentalism…

“Fundamentalism is really losing the war, and I think it is in part responsible for the rise of what we know as the more liberal end of the emerging church,” Driscoll says. “Because a lot of what is fueling the left end of the emerging church is fatigue with hardcore fundamentalism that throws rocks at culture. But culture is the house that people live in, and it just seems really mean to keep throwing rocks at somebody’s house.”

On balancing theology and outreach…

“I also did not explain in written form that we were theologically conservative and culturally liberal, which caused great confusion because half of the church was angry that the other half was smoking, while the other half was angry that I taught from the Bible,” Driscoll writes in Confessions of a Reformission Rev.

Categories: Driscoll
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